Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Want to Have Sex with Animals?

The notion of "kind" is a creationist fabrication. Basically, the creationist meaning is, "a compartment enclosed by a barrier erected as a barricade against evolution". It is non-Biblical. Neither the theory of evolution, nor anti-evolutionist notions appear in scripture. The theory of evolution was arrived at some considerable time after the Bible was completed. "Kind", in King James' English, simply means "sort", "type", or "species". And "after their kind" merely means, "according to their type" - "selon leurs espèces" in the French Bible, for example. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that creatures do or must "reproduce after their kind". It says that the earth and the waters _produced_ or _brought forth_ all the living creatures after their kind (according to their species).

It is forbidden to add to scripture or to distort pervert its meaning, yet this is precisely what so-called "Bible believing Christians" do.

Read Genesis 1. Carefully. See for yourself what it actually says.
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Ivan DelValle creation is the beginning, evolution is the growth process
  • JD Kain Ivan, you mean Yahweh created the first self-replicating molecule and evolution took over from there?

    That seems relatively harmless enough.
  • Barry Desborough Or He created the situation and conditions under which the first self-replicating molecule could emerge naturally. I've no problem with that.
  • Ivan DelValle God has many names
  • Ivan DelValle I mean he creates whatever it may be, Humans, animals. microbes, molecules, and they do replicate and adapt to the given enviroment.
  • Ivan DelValle Even planets go through an evolution, to keep it simple God said 1 thousand years is a day, a day is a thousand years, he left a lot of room for created evolution programs / nature to do its thing.
  • Barry Desborough I like your comments, Ivan DelValle, science-denying creationists have such a stunted view of creation. I expect God is feeling under-appreciated!
  • Ivan DelValle God had to use vague wording when communicating with primal man, it would only confuse Him...The less you told him the better...God is very much under appreciated...
  • James Stewart "It is non-Biblical. Neither the theory of evolution, nor anti-evolutionist notions appear in scripture."

    The theory of evolution doesn't appear in the Bible because it's a myth.
  • James Stewart "Nowhere in the Bible does it say that creatures do or must "reproduce after their kind"

    And if the Bible had made such a statement then it would be contradicting itself. Leviticus 19:19 tells us that different kinds can interbreed.
  • Joey Arnold I believe that rabbits give birth to baby rabbits. Now, sure, we can scientifically get a half rabbit half dinosaur or something. We can do cross-breeding and we can genetically modify DNA, genes, and do experiments and so forth.

    I only want to have sex with human females. I do not want my wife to be a whale. I believe that the Bible is emphasising how things should be. I do not believe that the Bible is saying that other things are not possible. Other things are possible.

    You can have sex with any kind of animal that you want to have sex with, as some do, regardless of whether it is legal or not, or moral or not, but I certainly will not have sex with camels.
  • Joey Arnold

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